Summer Is the Time to Learn Quantum Touch

Accidents can happen anywhere.

Accidents can happen anywhere.

How many times have we heard or read in the news of holiday makers being far from home and they have an accident by the hotel pool, for example? This is so common now that there is a UK TV program where they show just this.

The camera crew hangs out at a hospital emergency area located in a tourist town somewhere in Spain.

You see all kinds of accidents, from falls, to cuts to a pre-existing condition of the tourist.

What do you do?

If you are like most people, you helpless stand by, watch and pray.

The day that I’m writing this is the day a good friend of mine wrote to me to say she is back from visiting Portugal. Nat told me when she was in Madeira when an accident happened.

Since there was no beach there, she jumped in off the rocks. As soon as she hit the water she felt a terrible sting and something attached to her. The pain was awful but she managed to swim back to the rocks.

Going back to the hotel a staff worker looked at her with fear in his eyes. He could not explain to her in English what it was but she was told that the poison is like that of cobra. People who are not in good health die. Later Nat found out that she was stung by a Portuguese Man-of-War. She was in pain for three hours and her arm swelled up.

However, think of the same situation again. You are on holiday with your friend in Portugal, your friend jumps in the water from some rocks and get stung by Portuguese Man-of-War.

How would you feel just helplessly looking on? But what if you knew about about QT, you thought, “Yea, that’s nice to know but I have other things to do.” Then, when an accident happens to a friend, you would feel much worse when the thought comes to you, “If I had only taken the QT online course, I could help her.”

Be prepared if you are in the company of family or friends and emergency treatment is needed. Anyone can learn to with Quantum Touch from children 12 years old to senior citizens.

Just fill out the contact form below about your interest in learning Quantum touch online and I will send you the details. The maximum I can take is 10 students each week. The reason is, I give quality lessons, I allow time for Q &A, and it is live online, via, Skype.

Fill out the form today…


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