Get Pain Level Reading from Clients


There are many energy healing modalities out there, some of which are: Riki, Emotion Code, EFT, and, of course, Quantum Touch. Not all of them have as part of their training the taking of level of pain from patients.

If they are suffering from pain, before you start, ask them something like, “With 0 being no pain and 10 being the most pain, what level of pain do you have now.”

When they tell you, write it down so they can see it.

The reason for this is, so they can see and you can see how much progress is being made.

If they say, “I really don’t have pain, I just have sadness.”

Then, get to give a level of sadness IF they can. If they can’t, then just continue without a reading.

After working on your client for awhile, stop and ask them the level of pain, sadness or whatever they have.

If you started with the client being at 8 and they are now at 4, tell them, “Great, we drop the pain level in half in only 15 minutes. Let’s continue and see if we can get this down to 0.”

Then, write this down and you might want to add the time it took.

By doing this, the client can see how much progress is being made and the time it took. Writing down the pain number on one will forget what was said previously. It will also show to the client that improvement is being made and will encourage them to continue. This is especially good when the session ends and there is still pain left. They will be looking forward to the next session and encourages them to come back.


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