Can You Heal Me In 20 Minutes?

All natural food at the table.

All natural food at the table.

The short answer to that is ‘No’, at least that what I should have said to one man who came to me and said he had 20 minutes.
I did Quantum Touch on him and after the 20-minute session he felt no better. Perhaps that’s because he came into the session with the wrong attitude.
The background to this is when I had a businessman come to me to help him with his painful knee and leg pain. I told him there was on guarantee but I will try to help him. The result was that there was no relief for him.
What many people don’t realize is that it took years for them to get into that condition (in many cases), yet they expect to be healed in one session. It’s the result of the ‘now generation’ and people with this attitude usually don’t get the things they want in life.
If you are a practitioner, you should remind your clients about this. If you are a student, you should be made aware of this.
The cafe owner said he would have time tomorrow at 11am. So, I arrived the next day at 11am at his cafe. He informed me that he had no time as it was very busy and he will have to postpone the meeting until after the tourist season.
I said OK and went on from there. He did offer me a drink for free.
Many people have a hypocritical nature to them. Here is a guy who was in a lot of pain, yet, said that he will postpone the next session until after the tourist season. Strange!
Yet, if I was a medical doctor, he would have made the time. It would have cost him more and he would be worse off – maybe even have some side effects from the drugs.
As a practitioner, you must be willing to accept such behaviour from people and not let this get to you. After all, you don’t want this to affect your healing work, your emotions and other aspects of your life. Think of it like this, ‘This is his loss, not yours. He is the one suffering. Maybe one day he will learn.’

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