When No Progress is Being Made

When no success is being made could be a number of situations that apply. First, we will look at it from the Practitioner’s point of view and then from the Client’s point of view.


If you are working with EFT, it could be that you have no reached the core issue. If you know what you are doing, you know that there are a number of reasons why you are not making progress.

If you are working with QT, there are a different set of parameters that you have to go through. With QT it could with your visualization.

When all is said in done, review your books or DVD on the course that you took.


If you find that you are not making progress it could be that some part of your diet, for example, is so bad and you have not improved your diet that even the energy therapy is not working.

Physiological Reversal

The problem could be none of the above but of physiological reversal. What this means is, that the client “says” that they want to get well but but subconsciously they don’t want to get well. When this happens – even energy healing does not help.

“So, how do you know when a person has physiological reversal?”

to answer that, it will be have to be answered in two parts.

Part 1 – If you are a Practitioner, and you have had no success, you should test for physiochemical reversal.

Do a muscle testing on the client. For example, if the client has back pain, the Practitioner should say, “I want to keep this back pain.” If the client’s arm remains strong when you push down, it means “yes”. This means they really don’t want to get rid of the back pain. They may say they do but subconsciously they don’t. Why they don’t is another article in itself.

Part 2 – If you are a Client, ask yourself this, “Have you had some type of energy healing before and you had no success?” If this is the case, then you have physiological reversal. Ask your Practitioner to test for PR.

PR will stop most energy healing modalities in its tract. This has to be overcome if you want to make progress.

Hope that this helps.

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