Why Some People Just Don’t Get the Truth

If you are a practitioner of alternative healing you would have come across people who just can’t see the logic of what you are saying. If you talk to them about proper nutrition and that if you don’t eat fresh vegetables you will be deficient in vitamins and this can lead to disease.

Or, you might tell them about energy healing. If you practice EFT and tell them how emotions causes a disruption in the body’s energy system – they will look at you like you are nuts.

Someone might see you laying your hands over someone when you use Quantum Touch and he would think that you are both nuts.

You might have had a long conversation with someone and you might even get some nodding in agreement of what you say is right but he or she will continue on with the same lifestyle. They might be full of pain but they continue on anyway.

You come to your wit’s end and wonder, “Why don’t these people see? I just don’t understand it,” as you scratch your head.

Have you had experiences like this?

To understand this you have to turn to the Bible and know real biblical truths. If you are not a Christian or for some reason you will not turn to the Bible, then you will be just like the patients you are trying to help.

You might be a non-Christian but your work in helping others and understanding how healing occurs will be limited indeed.

The reason for this is that God has blinded them. Not blind as in a person that cannot see but as a person who is blind to the truth. Not only would many people be blind to Christian beliefs but blind to other things as well.

Just read the following in Zephaniah:

Zep_1:17 And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the LORD: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as the dung.

“…that they shall walk like blind me…” Notice it’s “like” not that they would actually be blind. Why are they blind? Because they have sinned against Yahweh, God.

I bet if you were to ask all those who don’t believe in healing by either Quantum Touch, EFT, drinking fresh juice, you will find that they don’t believe the Bible truths. Now, I don’t mean what is preached in most churches today, as this is a very water-downed and very limited amount of truth these people are need to be told.

Again, if you ask these people about their beliefs in general, I bet you will find that most of them believe most of what CNN, Fox News and other major networks tell them. They also believe much in what their government tells them; and what the major establishments tell them.

Most importantly, if you were to ask these people who believe that that what we do is foolish, you will find that they are the biggest sinners against God.

What do I mean about sinning against God? This is about polluting our “temple” and the Bible is quite clear that we are not to pollute it. Sinning against God is that you don’t believe that we should have God’s laws as the laws of the land.

One way of sinning against God Almighty is that we should not care what we eat. That it’s OK if we eat pig, shrimp and such – which we are told not to eat. Go ahead, ask them and you will find out this is so. When you do, you will find that it’s OK to eat the foods that God forbids (for our own health).

There is another passage in 2 Thessalonians

(2Th 2:11) And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

(2Th 2:12) That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

When we refuse the truth, “Gad shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” Now, this is not the devil or Satan but God. And it’s not just a delusion but a strong one at that.

This explains why some people are so strong in their stand of the lie even in the face of logic and reason.

Don’t worry if they don’t agree with you or want your services. Just know in your heart that it is meant for them NOT to know. They might come around later in life, they might not. Anyhow, they will continue to suffer, and, maybe in their suffering they will come to the truth.

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