Why Doesn’t Everyone Know About Quantum Touch?

Craig Richards

The typical question asked is, “Why doesn’t everyone know about Quantum Touch if it’s so good?”

This is a good question. It will take a little bit of time to answer it but I will try to do it in this short article.

Anything that helps people, especially if it only costs a fraction of what it normally costs will not be recognized by the medical profession. To make a long story short, if money can’t be made from a therapy, doctors and the pharmaceutical industries are not interested in it. When people are told this, they still can’t believe it. They think that everyone thinks like them; in other words, people and CEOs of large corporations are honest like them. Well, such is not the case.

Let’s face it, the pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest, if not the largest profit-making industry in the world. To give you an example, Johnson & Johnson made about $61 billion dollars last year! They don’t want people to eat better, take Quantum Touch therapy session, or do any other alternative healing therapy to get healthy. The reason why is, that people will not buy their pills and potions. People will not need the operations and other treatments that hospitals offer. In short, they will be out billions of dollars.

Medical education is based on universities getting grant money from these pharmaceutical companies, and the text books are funded by them, too. Therefore, a young innocent man who is entering medical school will not learn about Quantum Touch, Emotional Freedom Technique, or natural hygiene to get people well.

There is a ton of material you can read that explains why alternative healing is not main-stream. Here is  free reports that you can download and read at your leisure – Click Here.

If you are a doubter, it’s understandable. All I ask is, that you give Quantum Touch a try. Just send an email with your request about having a session. This can be done over Skype. Just send in the email basically what your condition is. To find out more about a session, Click Here to find out more.

Your for health and happiness,


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