How to Determine If You Are Being Told the Truth

How to Determine If You Are Being Told the Truth

There is a clues to look for to determine if you are being told the truth. This applies not only to health but to any other topic you can think of. Since this site is about alternative healing, we will stick to that.

In any area of health, it could be something that you think you know the truth or something you are not sure of.

Let’s take diabetes to be specific.

For the sake of argument, say you believe in what the medical profession says about how to treat diabetes. You really believe this, but you also know that truth fears no questions. Since you believe in the truth or you want to make sure what you believe in is the truth – put it to the test.

Just do a search on the internet to see if there is a cure for diabetes. Do a Google search and type in, “diabetes cure” or “diabetes reversed” or anything that would indicate a solution to this dreaded disease. You might also have a friend who claimed they were cured. Do your research.

When you have found something that is contrary to what you have learned, take this information to a doctor, nurse or other medical worker and see if they want to talk about it. You might want to sponsor a debate on this subject. You might want to read what others experienced who tried to talk to those who are part of the medical establishment and find out what happened. Then, again, you might not have to get a doctor (as their time is so valuable, or so they say). You can find a layperson and see if he/she will talk about it.

If you do this, you will find some common things they all have in common to hide or should I say, protect what they already believe in. You will find the responses as:

Name calling

“The facts have already been proven”

“Science has proven…”

“It’s not worthy of discussion”

“I don’t want to talk about it”

They simply don’t show up at the meeting

Screaming and shouting

Not allowing you to talk

The above are some of the things that you will accounted. Don’t believe me? Just try it?

If what the medical profession say is the truth, it should be able to stand up to examination. If they are really searching for the truth, whey will want to listen to what you have to say. If they have patients who are diabetic, they will put them on a nutritional program of fresh vegetables and the elimination of packaged food. If these doctors – and those who believe the doctors – are really interested in finding a way that gets results, they would try alternative therapies such as Quantum Touch 2, Qi Gong, Reiki or other alternative healing modalities.

When you are turned down for a civil and peaceful debate, this should put you on alert that maybe, just maybe, there is a cover-up. It doesn’t matter if the cover-up is intentional or not, but it should prompt you to do and put into ACTION what you learned and prove it to yourself. If you have a pain that will not go way, give Quantum Touch a try and prove to yourself if there is something to this energy healing.

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