Quantum Touch and Your Belief System

Quantum Touch and Your Belief System

Before we talk about Quantum Touch or any other alternative healing system let’s us first talk about why people have the beliefs they do.

Where do your beliefs come from? They come from any combination of the following: your family, your friends, the media, schools and universities, books, TV, films, the government, and generally anyone we look up to.

From this list, we combine our own thoughts. We might have a little variation on the sum total we learn but it’s pretty much in line with what the collective whole wants us to believe. If we are talking about health, your belief is that you should have 500 ml grams of vitamin C, while Dr. X would advocate that 200 ml grams is enough to maintain health.

As you know, doctors disagree with each other, that is why people see more than one doctor to get a diagnosis. From this, the patient draws their own conclusion. From all the diagnosis a patient comes away with a choice of either: operation, radiation or chemotherapy. The problem is, that all are invasive and detrimental to good health.

People say that they don’t believe in God, for example, but their belief is a non-belief. So, it’s really a matter of what you believe in.

When a person is told about Quantum Touch 2, for example, he might say, “I don’t believe in that.” As a result, they will not even listen to you or read what you give him. The reason why is, that this person thinks that they have read and learned all there is to know to make a decision; anything that is different is stupid. After all, this is what he is told by those who write the medical articles in the newspapers.

Even an atheist who says they don’t believe in any type of energy healing but believes in the traditional medical approach of: cut, burn and poison has a belief. You see, their god is the medial establishment. They believe in it so much that they will die for it – and that is precisely what happens, they die for what they believe in.

The fact is, we all have a belief in something however, is what we believe in helps us. Does it promote our health and well-being or does it hurt us and eventually destroys us?

Let’s face it, we all have our beliefs that is the sum total of what we learned and are exposed to. This is normal but what is not normal is not true. At this point many people are of the opinion that what is said, or mostly said by the universities, media and government is true – otherwise it would not be out there. If it’s not true, it would be exposed as a lie and the truth would be out there.

Unfortunately, such is not the case. Just think of anything that you were told in the past by the media or the government; take any topic you want, not just health. Did you come up with anything? What about what we were told about the Gulf of Tongan in Vietnam? Originally, we were told by the US government that the North Vietnamese sunk the ships. It was only years later that this same government told us it was a lie. The lie was to get us more involved in this useless war.

Then, we read about all the safe drugs. After all, there is no reason to doubt it, as the pharmaceutical companies themselves tell us it’s safe! The newspapers carry the glowing reports of these drugs. Of course they will, as they are major advertisers of these drugs. As a newspaper they can’t exist without advertising – especially from major clients.

It takes the deaths of hundreds before the FDA takes a pharmaceutical company to court. Recent

history is filled with law suites that amount to millions of dollars or even billions of dollars where such companies have been caught lying.

In the meantime we believe in all the claims of the medical establishment.

Let me ask someone who basically believes in what the medical establishment says and ask them this:

“Do you know ½ of all there is in the world?” and the answer would probably be no.

“Do you know ¼ of all there is in the world to know?” And the answer would, again be, no.

Even the biggest narcissist would say “no” to these questions.

Now, let me ask you this, “Assuming you say you know ½ of all there is in the world, could it just be that the answer to health falls in the other half of knowledge that you don’t know?”

Just give us a try, go to our Contact page at the top of this website and make an appointment. You have nothing to lose – except your pain. Click Here to learn more.

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