Alternative Medical Doctor Quotes, Part 2

“Pharmaceutical companies are very annoyed with niacin because their products have to compete with it. Some of their cholesterol-lowering drugs cost up to $150 a month while niacin costs about $10.” —–Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD 1997 Interview by Peter Barry Chowka.

“In the 1950s the Schute brothers in Ontario did some amazing work with vitamin E. Their claims were simple. They said vitamin E worked against heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. They were greeted with laughter. A couple of years ago, the Harvard School of Public Health published a huge study on vitamin E and showed that just 100 units of vitamin E per day decreased the death rate by 40 percent. Suppose they had done that in 1960? How many Americans would have been saved in the intervening 35 years had Harvard taken a responsible position and said, “We are skeptical of these claims but let’s look at them”? But they wouldn’t do that–it didn’t fit their paradigm. So vitamin E was totally destroyed by the establishment. Think of the cost of those decisions.”–Linus Pauling Interview by Peter Chowka 1996

“No amount of evidence can persuade anyone who is not listening.” Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.

“Mr X has a lack of vitamin C and contracts a cold. The cold leads to pneumonia. Mr X dies and his body is taken to the mortuary…not with the diagnosis “lack of vitamin C”, but with the diagnosis “pneumonia”. This does not matter for him any more, but matters for the rest of mankind, which is mislead in its thinking and judgement about vitamins.”—Dr Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, nobel prize winner for discovering Ascorbate.

“If the entire diagnostic scheme were scrapped today, it would make almost no difference to the way these children were treated, or to the outcome of treatment. Nor would their patients feel any better or worse” (Dr. Hoffer’s ABC of Natural Nutrition for Children). Statements like these do not exactly endear one to the medical community.”–Dr Saul

“The FDA won’t spend a dime on ozone research, but they spent over $1 million intimidating, harassing, and persecuting me alone.” Dr Jonathen Wright

“We see the same thing in Sweden, though to a less marked degree. The rise in tuberculosis mortality was recorded in 1914-1916, and in those years the consumption of bread and flour rose, whereas that of meat decreased. After 1916 we see a steady and continuous fall in tuberculosis mortality, and at the same time flour foods fell off while the consumption of meat and fish rose rapidly. It may be added too, that in England, a rise in tuberculosis mortality coincided with a lower consumption of meat and butter and an increased consumption of flour foods. …There has been a similar rise in tuberculosis mortality in practically all belligerent countries in Europe during and since World War II and for exactly similar reasons, namely, a great reduction in the consumption of protein foods, such as, meat, fish, and eggs, along with an increased consumption of the more available and cheaper starchy foodstuffs.”–Sandler MD (Diet Prevents Polio)

“It is well known that the immune system must be adequately supplied with many nutrients if it is to function properly, including especially vitamins A, C, E, B6 and a number of minerals, including zinc, magnesium, and selenium. Nutritional levels of these substances are not only harmless, they are essential to good health. Since people do not change their diets readily, I believe that foods should be fortified with these nutrients – especially foods that will be consumed by infants and children.”–Dr Rimland

“As a parent and as a full-time professional researcher, I am bitterly disappointed with the medical establishment’s dismal record with regard to autism over the past 60 years. The medical schools, as well as the governmental agencies, have consistently supported outmoded, unproven and even disproven theories from the very beginning, and have actively opposed the most promising approaches for the treatment of autism. They supported the psychoanalytically-based theories which held the mother responsible for causing autism through her supposedly hostile attitude toward the child. They opposed the use of behavior modification, the most uniformly beneficial treatment for autism, by claiming that it neglected the deep-seated emotional blocks that were supposedly at the root of autism. They have ignored, and continue to ignore, the long series of studies conducted both in the U. S. and Europe showing that the elimination of foods containing gluten and casein from the diet brings about marked improvement in many autistic children. They have consistently ignored the series of 18 consecutive studies, conducted by researchers in 6 countries, which showed that almost half of all autistic children and adults respond favorably to high doses of vitamin B6 and magnesium., with no adverse effects. Eleven of these studies were double-blind placebo-crossover experiments. There is no drug that comes close to B6/magnesium in terms of safety, efficacy and positive research findings. Tens of millions of dollars have been spent on non-productive lines of research, while virtually no money at all has been given to research on the methods of alternative medicine, which are far more promising in terms of both safety and efficacy.”—Dr Rimland

“Chickenpox gave equally good response (to Vitamin C therapy), … vesicles were crusted after the first 24 hours, and the patient well in three to four days.”–Dr Klenner

“There is not one, but many cures for cancer available. But they are all being systematically suppressed by the ACS, the NCI and the major oncology centres. They have too much of an interest in the status quo.”–Dr Robert Atkins, M.D.

“What she (Dr. Johanna Budwig) has demonstrated to my initial disbelief but lately, to my complete satisfaction in my practice is: CANCER IS EASILY CURABLE, the treatment is dietary/lifestyle, the response is immediate; the cancer cell is weak and vulnerable; the precise biochemical breakdown point was identified by her in 1951 and is specifically correctable, in vitro (test-tube) as well as in vivo (real)… ” Dr. Dan C. Roehm M.D. FACP (Oncologist and former cardiologist) in 1990.