Do We Have to Know What What is Wrong With Us to Get Well?

healing hands

Craig Richards

Do you have to know the disease or health condition you have to get well when you see a Quantum Touch practitioner to get well?

Good question but the answer to that is “no”. Although many people do come to be and they know exactly what they have wrong (because their doctor told them), it is not necessary for healing to take place.

If you don’t know what you have, it is not necessary to see a doctor when you come – but it is advisable, as you may have something seriously wrong. But if you have a pain and you point to a part of your body, I can work on you with just this information.

Think of the many times you had gone to a pharmacy to get some drugs when you had a pain but did not go to your doctor? Well, many people who know about energy healing just stop by and have some work done, too.

I will ask you some questions to help me, such as:

How long have you had the pain?

Describe the type of pain (sharp, dull, more like an ache, etc.)?

When work starts on you with Quantum Touch, for example, the energy knows where it has to go and what has to be done (even a medical doctor can’t do that). There is an 80% chance you will still get improvement with one session. (Nothing is guaranteed in life except death and taxes.)

Animals have been worked on, and, of course, we don’t know what is wrong with them yet they get well. The exception would be if the owner had taken their pet to a veterinarian. Since Quantum Touch works on animals that we can’t communicate to, it will work on you, too.

Again, you should consult your doctor (had to put this Disclaimer in).