Natural Healing: There is Only One Kind

by Craig Richards

In previous Posts, when I talk about natural healing, I thought I should clarify it. I’ll be more specific in this Post as to what I mean.

There really is only one kind of healing and that is natural healing. When we go to an allophonic doctor, he gives us medication and we take it. Then, for some reason get well, this is natural healing, too, but with a huge difference. When a person gets well after seeing a doctor or going into hospital, it’s not because of the medication that we get well; we get well in spite of it.

Your body is doing all it can and it’s not the medicine that made you healthy, it was in spite of it. If you had not taken medication, you would heal quicker (but that’s not for me to decide).

Your body does all it can – whatever it can – by natural means. The problem comes is when we interfere with it by introducing poison. Sometimes a body can still heal itself – provided you have enough vitality and the poison is not enough to over-power it.

When healing is done by working with nature and not against it, healing is faster and the regained health is more. This is what Natural is all about – working with nature and not against it. Energy healing, such as EFT or Quantum Touch is just as natural as eating raw fruits and vegetables. And, in this website, we cover it all.