The Writing On Your Walls

writing on our walls

by Craig Richards

Do you have “writings on your walls” that are not serving you? The “walls” I’m talking about is your mind – I’m using a metaphor here. We all have “writings on our walls” – some of it is good and some of it is bad.

What do I mean?

“Writings on our walls” comes from people such as, our parents, our friends, the school teacher, the doctor, the media, as an example. The writings that I’m concerned about is that concerning health.

We have all been under the influence of what we have been told by the medical establishment. We are told that if you are depressed we should take anti-depressants if we have depression. We should get an operation if we have gall stones; that we should take the medication the doctor give us; that there is no cure for diabetes, and the list goes on and on. We accept this because:

it comes from authoritative figures

we have been told this for years, so it must be true

our parents told us this, and they would never lie

it’s universally accepted

…and so it goes.

Then, one day we learn something else. For the majority, they still disbelieve alternative information but for the few, they start to think that this alternative information makes sense. So, what person are you? Do you still have the “writing on the walls” that have been told by the medical profession?

When people are introduced to energy healing, natural hygiene or, what is commonly refereed to as holistic therapy, many of them still don’t believe. It’s understandable. After all, they have been told all their lives about what we should do about health, that we should believe our doctors. After all, they are in a potion to known; they are the authoritative figures – which we shouldn’t question.

The mere fact that we question “authoritative figures” we are look at like some kind of nut. If we disagree with our parents, others think that they deliberately told a lie. Well, this is not the case. A person can be sincere but be sincerely wrong. Look at what we told others that we thought was the truth, and, as we learned later was not.

Dear Reader, I don’t know where you are in the way of listening to alternative discoveries to health. If you have read some of this website, you are probably aware of what really keeps us well, otherwise you would not be reading this. So, just keep this Post in mind when you are talking to others how they can overcome their health issues without surgery or medication. They, too, are probably sceptical, just bare this in mind when talking to them about natural healing.