Emotional Freedom Technique vs Emotion Code

Here are two energy healing modalities that deal with emotions. It fact, it’s so important that “emotion” is part of the title. As a side note, The Emotion Code is now call The Body Code.

So, what is the difference between EFT and EC?

EFT you ask the client questions.

EC you ask the client’s subconscious the questions in a “yes” and “no” format.

You may think that why even try EFT? The reason is that with EFT you can get more specific. For example, if a client has a phobia of snakes and he over comes that after the session. He might be fine until he sees a snake that is black. When the phobia originally occurred, it was a black snake but when the tapping was done, just snakes in general was used. This is known as “aspect”. With EFT, this aspect can be taken care of during the session – with a good practitioner.

If the aspects are handled during the session the phobia is usually gone forever.

There is also more dialogue with the client using EFT when you having them repeat after you phrases. One reason would be showing something is not logical. You are not asking or telling them “you must change”. Rather, you offer that as an option. For example, the story of low self esteem may have occurred in a client when she was 8 years because she was told that she was lazy and will not amount to much. Though the mother might not meant it and it was just an “out burst at the time”, the daughter believed this even though she is now 35 years old. The phrase used would be, as one example, “I don’t know why I believe that now. I would not take advice from an 8 year old, so why am I taking advice now.”

Both modalities gets results; the one used is up to the practitioner, or in some cases, up to the client.