Recharging Batteries With Your Touch

About three years ago I was at a restaurant watching my friend, Karen Kendall sing. I was taking a video with my camera. When the rechargeable battery ran out I put in my other battery. Since I was not filming the whole time, I took a break. With the battery that ran out, I decided to experiment and run energy into it. I thought, “Since I’m running energy let’s see what happens if I run it into my battery – why not?” I know that this is different kind of energy but I know that you can’t do any damage to a person when using QT, so, I should not be causing any damage to my battery.

After about 5 minutes, I took the battery out that I was currently using and put the battery in that I was using Quantum Touch on.

What happened was that the camera showed that it had a partial charge – it was no longer in the “red” as was the case when I took the battery out. With this battery I filmed some more.

Needless to say I was excited and surprised. I told Karen, too, about this and she was surprised as well.

Try Quantum Touch the next time you have to recharge your battery. You might want to do this on your computer battery. If you have non-rechargeable, try it on that. With energy from the sub-atomic world, it might not matter; this energy might be converted to electromagnetic energy – who knows?

For information about lessons, write to Craig at: info @

Experiment with Quantum Touch

Richard Gordon, founder of Quantum Touch, encourages you to experiment with Quantum Touch. The life force energy that QT uses, there is absolutely no danger of harming whatever you are working on nor danger of harming yourself.

When you take Quantum Touch course from this website, you’ll realize that you can’t give energy to the wrong area. There is no danger in giving too much or too little when you work on anyone.

Back to the experimenting, use QT on your pet or on your friend’s pet. If the pet has a health issue, this will be a sure test to yourself (if you still doubt the effectiveness) that QT works. After all, you can’t use the power of suggestion on an animal or ask the dog that he has to believe in order for it to work.

Notice the pet’s reaction – is he more relaxed, does he go to sleep?

If your friend has a health condition, no matter what it is, try it on that. Use the power of intention and focus on the area where the health condition occurs or where the pain is. Make sure you get a pain reading before you start. Afterwards, as your friend how she feels and to take notice of the pain level. I’m sure both of you will be pleasently surprised.

If you are a massuge, incorporated QT with whatever kind of massage you give. You might have to warn the client first of what you are doing, otherwise she will ask, “Why are your hands stopping?”

When you are giving your massage, work up the visulization and breathing technique before you start your QT session. Then use it for about 5 or 10 minutes. Ask your client if they notice anything different; are they more relaxed; and any other changes they feel. Finally, ask if they feel better now than any previous treatment.

If you know your client has a pain in their body at the present time, just quitely, wihtout telling her and work on that area. Then ask how their pain is.

When you get postive responses – and you certainly will – you’ll know that it works.

What other things can you experiment on using Quantum Touch?”

When you take the Quantum Touch course here, there will be a lesson where you get experiment. We’ll have dry white wine poured in two classes. One, you will run energy into it and the other (control) you’ll leave as is. Then you’ll taste the two. When done correctly, a bad tasting wine will taste better. (This is a good way to serve cheap wine to your guests! 🙂

QT can be used on plants, plant seeds – everything that is living. Why not go beyond this and use it on inanimate objects and see what happens!

For information about lessons, write to Craig at: info @

Using Quantum Touch in the Supermarket

Once you take a course in Quantum Touch, it’s like having a first aid kit with wherever you go. The other day I was in the supermarket and the cashier was talking to a customer ahead of me. She complained about the pain in her hands.

I worked on this woman, who is pregnant, and we did this where other employees saw it. I used Quantum Touch and only worked on her hand about 5 minutes. I asked how she felt. Her right hand had a pain level of 5 and the other one a 3. the pain went down to 2 and on the other hand to a 1. I worked on her a couple of more minutes and asked again. In her right hand it was a 1 and the other hand it was gone. I said, “Well, you can live with that.”

This asian woman was amazed. The guy who works there and saw it was amazed, too. He asked for a couple more cards and I gave it to him.

You never know when and where people need your help. And you never know when and where you may pick up business. When someone sees a healing and tells a friend of theirs, that is much more effective than an advertisement – and it doesn’t cost you anything.

If you would like to take Quantum Touch course, contact me at: info @ This course can be taken in one week followed by a test. The Quantum Touch course can be taken over the internet – so it can all be done from the comfort of your home. Upon completion you will be qualified to heal others and get great results using this amazing energy therapy. Write Today!

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