Biblical Healing of Jesus

Healing Power of Jesus

If you have not seen the videos post in the Post before this, I suggest you do, then you’ll understand what I’m talking about.

If you had seen other videos on Torben Søndergaard YouTube channel, then you’ll know some of what I’m going to say. If you haven’t, that’s OK, as I’ll go over some of the questions you may have.

Some of you who may be reading this blog are practitioners, which means you charge money. Now, I’m not against others who want and need to make money while helping others but to heal in the name of Jesus, I would not charge. In the videos I’ve seen by this man, he doesn’t say anything about charging. In his videos, he doesn’t charge but even if he said it’s OK, I would be against it. Jesus never charged, so neither should you. And, if you did, I would not be surprised of the healing didn’t work.

However, Jesus did have a treasurer to collect donations, and He was well as the Apostles were offered lodging and food, so this is OK. If you have a church with your healing, you can collect donations, but don’t charge for a healing.

Now, that is out of the way, let me continue with the healing itself.

As you can see by the videos, you don’t need:


say certain words

visualize certain things

ask a spirit guide

have any devices or symbols

You have seen that those who were recently healed were told to heal others, which they did with success. So, it doesn’t take any special talent or a skill to learn.

You give all the credit to Jesus and no one else. Right way, you see that this is far and above other healings modalities such as: Emotional Freedom Technique, Quantum Touch, The Emotion Code, The Heart Code and The Reconnection.

Of course, you may not want to evangelize, and if you don’t, I honestly don’t know if healing in the name of Jesus will work. As for me, I will want to tell those that have been healed about the other Bible truths, and I hope that you do, too. If you don’t know anything about the Bible, it’s not too late to start. Not only is the solution to our aches and pains in the Bible but to virtually everything else there is in life. Most people don’t realize that God gives us instructions about how to run an economy, agraculture, relastionship with one another and, of course, our relationship with Him.

Many people complain about the problems in society and not just about their health. Every client you have or had can tell you about other problems they have in their lives. So, by knowing the Bible, you can be of greater help than just taking care of their aches and pains. If you are really serious about helping others – and yourself, too – you should look into healing in the name and power of Jesus and get your other problems resolved, too.

Make sure you check out my Post called, Some Energy Healing is Evil.

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