Some Energy Healing is Evil

Reiki master Meets the Real Master – Jesus

I had been doing healing with EFT for about 10 years now. With the other healing modalities, it had been a couple of years. Then recently, I got an email from Gary Craig (founder of Emotional Freedom Technique) of what he calls “Optimal EFT.” Have you heard about it?

Gary goes on to say that with Optimal EFT, you can heal quicker and do it remotely. He lays the ground work of this new EFT in a video where he talks in front of a group of alternative healing therapists. He starts off by saying that what we see is not real, it’s an illusion and uses the analogy of how things looks on earth, that the earth looks flat but it’s really round and spinning through space. He goes on to say that everything is an illusion, we are really not here, etc. So, it is with healing. His source and inspiration for his “discovery” of the new EFT is from the book, “A Course in Miracles.”

It was at this time that I was research on The Law of Attraction/New Age Movement and I found out that it’s anti-Christ and just plain evil; there is a lot of occult and satanic connections. I know this is hard for you to believe, so I’m not asking you to believe but to do your own research. After all if what you know is the truth, the truth has nothing to fear. If you don’t even want to hear the other side, that mean your mind is already made up and you don’t want to know the truth. In the meantime, you can do a search on YouTube, for example using the words such as:

New Age deception

Law of Attraction debunked

And you can use the words like deception, debunked, fraud or hoax. See what they say and see if it makes sense to you.

You can also find out the historical connection to what is called the New Age and you’ll find out that some of this comes from Russian jewish, Marxist, occultist named Helen Blavatsky. In America, this was promoted by Alice Baily and Manly Hall back in the late 19th Century and early 20th Century. Now, it’s being pushed by man “gurus” that you’ve probably heard of. Jordan Maxwell, who claims to be against the New World Oder actually has on his website a link to the audio files of the satanist Manly P. Hall. Maxwell has infiltrated the Truth Seekers movement and the alternative new media; he is praised by alternative media host, Jeff Rense.

Back to Gary Craig and A Course in Miracles

In A Course in Miracles, Gary Craig has on the Introduction page of his Optimal EFT exerts such as, our life is not reality – it’s all an illusion. There is no sin, he goes on in his Essential Introduction, and I quote:

Now skeptics might ask, “How do you know your experience wasn’t just a delusion?”

To which I would respond, “How do you know that your experience of life in a separated body isn’t just a delusion?”

Anytime anyone says this you know that person blasphemy the name of God. That we are without sin, we are god, this sounds like what the adversary (the devil) said to Eve in the Garden of Eden. In other words, God sent his Son to save illusionary people?

Anytime anyone, and that includes the founders of different healing modalities, say that, they are lying. In fact, if the core beliefs of any other religious belief, such as Islam were attracted in that way, they would be in a rage. But what do Christians do? They just sit ideally by and do nothing.

Another things to consider is, if you use any energy healing that counts on “spirit guides” you are dealing with the occult. There are Reiki practitioners who have had bad experiences with their practice and some have even come forth and given video testimonies to this.

In short, if you practice this new form of Emotional Freedom Technique you are dealing with evil and your soul is in danger of being lost. For this reason, I’m getting out of EFT. I don’t know if the standard EFT is safe for me to us. When I say “safe,” I’m referring to spiritually.

I asked God just the other day that I’m willing to give up EFT and QT if that is what it takes. Then, the very next day I found out about and the healing they do in the name of Jesus Christ.

If you are into Optimum EFT, The Reconnection, or QT 2, I suggest you get out of it.

Now, I’m not sure of all the energy healing but one thing that I know for sure, if you have to ask or use a regular “spirit guide” you are not dealing with God. You may be told that but don’t believe it – do your research and find out how you can be deceived.

I believe that standard EFT is OK (I pray that I’m right but will let you know if I’m not), as this uses many phrases that is logical and gets the client to look at their life in such a way. With the new EFT, Gary says call on The Ultimate Guide. For this reason, stay away.

Not only can you heal with praying for someone while you lay your hands on them, but it is from a pure source, the results are more amazing and it’s usually faster. This time, do it God’s way!

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