Some Energy Healing is Evil

Reiki master Meets the Real Master – Jesus

I had been doing healing with EFT for about 10 years now. With the other healing modalities, it had been a couple of years. Then recently, I got an email from Gary Craig (founder of Emotional Freedom Technique) of what he calls “Optimal EFT.” Have you heard about it?

Gary goes on to say that with Optimal EFT, you can heal quicker and do it remotely. He lays the ground work of this new EFT in a video where he talks in front of a group of alternative healing therapists. He starts off by saying that what we see is not real, it’s an illusion and uses the analogy of how things looks on earth, that the earth looks flat but it’s really round and spinning through space. He goes on to say that everything is an illusion, we are really not here, etc. So, it is with healing. His source and inspiration for his “discovery” of the new EFT is from the book, “A Course in Miracles.”

It was at this time that I was research on The Law of Attraction/New Age Movement and I found out that it’s anti-Christ and just plain evil; there is a lot of occult and satanic connections. I know this is hard for you to believe, so I’m not asking you to believe but to do your own research. After all if what you know is the truth, the truth has nothing to fear. If you don’t even want to hear the other side, that mean your mind is already made up and you don’t want to know the truth. In the meantime, you can do a search on YouTube, for example using the words such as:

New Age deception

Law of Attraction debunked

And you can use the words like deception, debunked, fraud or hoax. See what they say and see if it makes sense to you.

You can also find out the historical connection to what is called the New Age and you’ll find out that some of this comes from Russian jewish, Marxist, occultist named Helen Blavatsky. In America, this was promoted by Alice Baily and Manly Hall back in the late 19th Century and early 20th Century. Now, it’s being pushed by man “gurus” that you’ve probably heard of. Jordan Maxwell, who claims to be against the New World Oder actually has on his website a link to the audio files of the satanist Manly P. Hall. Maxwell has infiltrated the Truth Seekers movement and the alternative new media; he is praised by alternative media host, Jeff Rense.

Back to Gary Craig and A Course in Miracles

In A Course in Miracles, Gary Craig has on the Introduction page of his Optimal EFT exerts such as, our life is not reality – it’s all an illusion. There is no sin, he goes on in his Essential Introduction, and I quote:

Now skeptics might ask, “How do you know your experience wasn’t just a delusion?”

To which I would respond, “How do you know that your experience of life in a separated body isn’t just a delusion?”

Anytime anyone says this you know that person blasphemy the name of God. That we are without sin, we are god, this sounds like what the adversary (the devil) said to Eve in the Garden of Eden. In other words, God sent his Son to save illusionary people?

Anytime anyone, and that includes the founders of different healing modalities, say that, they are lying. In fact, if the core beliefs of any other religious belief, such as Islam were attracted in that way, they would be in a rage. But what do Christians do? They just sit ideally by and do nothing.

Another things to consider is, if you use any energy healing that counts on “spirit guides” you are dealing with the occult. There are Reiki practitioners who have had bad experiences with their practice and some have even come forth and given video testimonies to this.

In short, if you practice this new form of Emotional Freedom Technique you are dealing with evil and your soul is in danger of being lost. For this reason, I’m getting out of EFT. I don’t know if the standard EFT is safe for me to us. When I say “safe,” I’m referring to spiritually.

I asked God just the other day that I’m willing to give up EFT and QT if that is what it takes. Then, the very next day I found out about and the healing they do in the name of Jesus Christ.

If you are into Optimum EFT, The Reconnection, or QT 2, I suggest you get out of it.

Now, I’m not sure of all the energy healing but one thing that I know for sure, if you have to ask or use a regular “spirit guide” you are not dealing with God. You may be told that but don’t believe it – do your research and find out how you can be deceived.

I believe that standard EFT is OK (I pray that I’m right but will let you know if I’m not), as this uses many phrases that is logical and gets the client to look at their life in such a way. With the new EFT, Gary says call on The Ultimate Guide. For this reason, stay away.

Not only can you heal with praying for someone while you lay your hands on them, but it is from a pure source, the results are more amazing and it’s usually faster. This time, do it God’s way!

Biblical Healing of Jesus

Healing Power of Jesus

If you have not seen the videos post in the Post before this, I suggest you do, then you’ll understand what I’m talking about.

If you had seen other videos on Torben Søndergaard YouTube channel, then you’ll know some of what I’m going to say. If you haven’t, that’s OK, as I’ll go over some of the questions you may have.

Some of you who may be reading this blog are practitioners, which means you charge money. Now, I’m not against others who want and need to make money while helping others but to heal in the name of Jesus, I would not charge. In the videos I’ve seen by this man, he doesn’t say anything about charging. In his videos, he doesn’t charge but even if he said it’s OK, I would be against it. Jesus never charged, so neither should you. And, if you did, I would not be surprised of the healing didn’t work.

However, Jesus did have a treasurer to collect donations, and He was well as the Apostles were offered lodging and food, so this is OK. If you have a church with your healing, you can collect donations, but don’t charge for a healing.

Now, that is out of the way, let me continue with the healing itself.

As you can see by the videos, you don’t need:


say certain words

visualize certain things

ask a spirit guide

have any devices or symbols

You have seen that those who were recently healed were told to heal others, which they did with success. So, it doesn’t take any special talent or a skill to learn.

You give all the credit to Jesus and no one else. Right way, you see that this is far and above other healings modalities such as: Emotional Freedom Technique, Quantum Touch, The Emotion Code, The Heart Code and The Reconnection.

Of course, you may not want to evangelize, and if you don’t, I honestly don’t know if healing in the name of Jesus will work. As for me, I will want to tell those that have been healed about the other Bible truths, and I hope that you do, too. If you don’t know anything about the Bible, it’s not too late to start. Not only is the solution to our aches and pains in the Bible but to virtually everything else there is in life. Most people don’t realize that God gives us instructions about how to run an economy, agraculture, relastionship with one another and, of course, our relationship with Him.

Many people complain about the problems in society and not just about their health. Every client you have or had can tell you about other problems they have in their lives. So, by knowing the Bible, you can be of greater help than just taking care of their aches and pains. If you are really serious about helping others – and yourself, too – you should look into healing in the name and power of Jesus and get your other problems resolved, too.

Make sure you check out my Post called, Some Energy Healing is Evil.

Biblical Healing

The Healing Power of Jesus Christ Today

There is healing going on today done by people all over the world, and that is healing in the name of Jesus Christ. There are many videos on YouTube by a man in Denmark who goes around the world healing in the name of Jesus. His name is Torben Søndergaard. Here are two videos here to watch.

Although I have used E.F.T. And Quantum Touch I found the healing done in the name of Jesus much superior for several reasons. First, it’s from the Son of God, and with it you can encourage others to learn more about him in the Bible.


Emotional Freedom Technique vs Emotion Code

Here are two energy healing modalities that deal with emotions. It fact, it’s so important that “emotion” is part of the title. As a side note, The Emotion Code is now call The Body Code.

So, what is the difference between EFT and EC?

EFT you ask the client questions.

EC you ask the client’s subconscious the questions in a “yes” and “no” format.

You may think that why even try EFT? The reason is that with EFT you can get more specific. For example, if a client has a phobia of snakes and he over comes that after the session. He might be fine until he sees a snake that is black. When the phobia originally occurred, it was a black snake but when the tapping was done, just snakes in general was used. This is known as “aspect”. With EFT, this aspect can be taken care of during the session – with a good practitioner.

If the aspects are handled during the session the phobia is usually gone forever.

There is also more dialogue with the client using EFT when you having them repeat after you phrases. One reason would be showing something is not logical. You are not asking or telling them “you must change”. Rather, you offer that as an option. For example, the story of low self esteem may have occurred in a client when she was 8 years because she was told that she was lazy and will not amount to much. Though the mother might not meant it and it was just an “out burst at the time”, the daughter believed this even though she is now 35 years old. The phrase used would be, as one example, “I don’t know why I believe that now. I would not take advice from an 8 year old, so why am I taking advice now.”

Both modalities gets results; the one used is up to the practitioner, or in some cases, up to the client.

EFT vs Quantum Touch

EFT is used most often with emotions, though it can and has been used successfully with all physical problems.

Most practitioners of Quantum Touch use it for bone alignment and physical problems. When beginners are in a seminar, one of the first things they see is QT used on aligning the bones. The reason for this is, that everyone can see that the person’s hips are out of alignment before the session and within a few minutes – literally – the hips are back in aligned. The same is true for occipital ridge of the skull. When sceptics and newbies see the bones in alignment, they know that Quantum Touch is real; that this is not “power of suggestion” as some may think.

With bones moving, this is a visual sign of how powerful QT is. When bones are set right most of the time the people do not actually see the bones move. Also, most of the time the client doesn’t see the bones more nor do they feel it. There are cases where some people see the leg move back in place – and it’s really a shock, though a pleasant one.

The Discovery Statement

the discovery statement

“The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.”

This is a very important statement and this is the bases of how most, if not all energy healing works. There is a disruption of the body’s energy system and when this is out, there is pain, inflammation and some kind of disease is manifested if let for enough time.

If you have a phobia of spiders, for example, there is a disruption of your energy flow – that is the best way I can describe it. The same applies to all negative emotions. When this flow is released, so goes the negative emotion.

People who have an anger issue, for example, expect that they have to tell the therapist or healing practitioner all about their past and how they got it. After all, this is what psychotherapists do, right? So, they are ready to unload on to you. Well, this not necessary; in fact, it’s slows the healing process and makes more pain for the client in the meantime. All that is needed is what the emotional problem is. In fact, the client might not know the source but this will not stop the work that needs to be done. (More can be said on this and there are exceptions but that will have to be left for another article.)

With any kind of energy healing, no trauma has to be relived, as it were, when you have a session.

Let me make an analogy to a TV once again. If you took off the back of a TV and threw some extra wires in there and one crossed the circuit of the TV, it would interrupt the picture and or sound. This would cause a “zzzzt” sound from the TV. When the Emotion Code is used, for example, you take away “zzzzt” you get. The fuzzy picture and “zzzzt” sound is analogous to a negative emotion.

We all know that there miles and miles of electrical nerves in the body and especially the brain. We also know that there are between 50 – 100 trillions cells in the body with their electrical charge. So, a disruption of the “electrical system” in our body should not come as a surprise.

What we do with Emotional Freedom Technique is, we disrupt this “zzzzt” and allow the flow to continue as it should.

Healthy Scepticism is Good

eft tapping

Healthy Scepticism

Many people have scepticism when they see rapid healing. They are told that “there are no quick fixes” and anything contrary to that is a fraud somehow.

All this comes down to belief. People have a belief that any energy therapy or nutritional guidance don’t work – they firmly believe that. They attack others who have a belief in, say, Quantum Touch, yet that is a belief!

If you have a belief that “it’s too good to be true”, you are not alone. There are many people who think like that. Let’s take a look at some historical examples:

“Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible.” Lord Kelvin, President Royal Society

“Everything that can be invented has been invented.” Charles H. Duell, Director of U.S. Patent Office, 1899.

“Who in the heck wants to hear actors talk?” Henry M. Warner, Warner Brothers Pictures, 1927

You may not have scepticism about energy healing techniques but you will certainly encounters others who do. How will you handle them?

There have been times when a group of people have been brought on stage where healing occurred and the people admit to the audience that such was the case. The audience, who many were skeptics, agree that the healing occurred (as they believed those who told them). They believe those on stage, as it was a friend of theirs or a family member. However, there is a curious thing about their belief.

The people in the audience attributed such healing to one of the following:

the people were hypnotized

they were instilled with positive thinking

they were ready to get over their problems anyway

it was a quick fix

the tapping was a distraction

Let’s examine each one of them to see if this was the case:

Hypnosis – The person who was the practitioner knows nothing about hypnosis and neither does the person who said this was the reason.

Positive thinking – Those who do use positive thinking never saw such thinking work so fast – much less without using words that are positive.

They wanted to get rid of their problems – If this was the case, why didn’t they get over their problem before they came on stage?

Quick fix – They take other drugs with a “quick fix in mind”, so why hasn’t the drugs worked?

The tapping was a distraction – If it was a distraction of what the practitioner did, why were the clients told to “tune into their problems”?

With all the theories that the sketics came up with, the interesting things is “what they did not say”! They never attributed healing to EFT. If another modality was used, they never attributed to that.

A healthy skeptic would ask how such a process worked. How long would it last? Can anyone do it? They ignore the process and offer their ideas – or their “facts”.

People from all walks of life; from all education levels would make claims of how Quantum Touch works, for example, but not with what they are told at the beginning (that is, affecting energy on the quantum leve). It’s not that these people are mean, it’s just that it is not in their “standard reason” why things look like they work.

Those who had the healing done, admit that their pain went away, but some of the clients still don’t give credit to the energy healing that was used.

I tell you this because after a session that you have yourself, you will be confronted with sceptics, or you, yourself will attribute the healing to something else.

Another reason why some people have a disbelief is the techniques used. With EFT, there is the tapping on the meridians points of the body. But with your knowledge of how psychology is suppose to work, this “tapping stuff” really looks weird. Therefore, it’s got be something else.

You don’t have to believe in these techniques for them to work – it will work regardless. However, there are some people who are so convinced that they will NOT work that, indeed, it won’t work. Why is this? Because a strong belief can effect your health – for good or bad, depending on what you believe; it can over-ride the healing technique that is used on them.

In the beginning most people don’t believe in EFT (or whatever healing modality issued), yet they work. This is how something like EFT got a foot-hold. Think about it, when anything new comes on the market, there are no believers (for the most part) – because it is new.

Say a person goes to an EFT practitioner for the first time, and they are neutral about the whole process, that’s good; as healing will still occur.

All of this is pointed out for both clients and others who would like to be practitioners for you will meet people who have no believe and attribute the healing to something else.

Live Blood Analysis with EFT, part 4

Look carefully at the two samles of blood.
Here we learn that tapping with EFT on the inflamation issue did greatly reduce it. This was done in one short 20 minute session. This experiment that was done shows physical effects of what EFT can do. Think of what it can do for you. To find out more just contact us at our website here. You don’t need a blood analysis in order to benefit from EFT or other natural healing modalities we offer. First consultation is free, drop us an email so we can talk via Skype.

 Another Experiment with Live Blood Analysis and EFT




Live Blood Analysis with EFT, part 2

More at: Here, Craig uses Emotional Freedom Technique with Polly. The experiment we are doing is to see EFT can improve Polly’s blood. A  sample of her blood was taken before this tapping, and the issue we tapped on was inflammation. This, we already know Polly has, as she suffers from a great deal of pain in her hips and in her shoulder.

Learn about the amazing health benefits you can get from EFT.