People’s Complaints Are Not Logical

My name 1

When you listen to people about their illness it is so illogical. What is even more strange is when the person who says something that doesn’t make sense but also knows about nutrition, holistic health and they still say things that makes you shake your head.

It would be funny if it was not so sad. You can probably think about they things that people said to you that “explains” why they have the pain or complaint that they do. Here are some I recently heard…

“My back hurts, I don’t understand it. I did some work in the garden but it was not that much.”

“I couldn’t sleep because I heard someone (another member of the family) go up the stairs.”

“I don’t know why I have this thirst. I seem to be drinking a lot, though I haven’t work outside or worked up a sweat.”

“I got this pain in my side. I never had this before.”

Have you heard people say this or something similar?

Let’s think of the illogical statements that people make and don’t realize it or don’t want to face up to it. People love to blame others or some event rather than themselves.

Having a pain in the back and blaming it on the gardening. Sure, you can hurt your back by lifting something too heavy or not lifting the right way. And since the person doesn’t lift anything heavy, yet they complain about the gardening and put the blame on that. They don’t realize that they have been eating the wrong foods all their lives, they haven’t been exercising. So, naturally, there will come a day where they have pain either in a muscle or some organ. It could be the result of kidney stones by eating the wrong foods. There is always afrist time that something happens, but people don’t want to hear that it is their lifestyle. After all, “My grandmother, my mother eat the same food – so should I.”

Yet, they had the same pains and diseases, so is it any wonder that the person complaining to you also have the same pain and aliments?

There was one person that I talked to who complained about his thirst. He couldn’t understand it because he had not been working or perspiring during the day. And he had this thirst for a couple of days. Of course, it could be for several reasons. One is, that it could be:


general dehydration

too much sugar

This man is in his 80s, so it could be for a number of reasons. When told, he still couldn’t understand it – this is the illogical part. There is a cause-and-effect in everything in life. Each one of the above could be a cause for thirst. Diabetics often drink more water. Since he didn’t know this, it was suggested that he have a check-up to see if he does have it. Do you know what he said, “I don’t want to know.” Try to figure that one out!

Another reason would be general dehydration, as most people do have this – regardless of age.

People just don’t want to face up to the truth, even when they know the real reason of their symptoms. Maybe that is why medical doctors do so much business – because clients are not told to change their life styles; they are told just to take these pills three times a day and everything will be OK.

It’s Just a Phobia, There’s Nothing to Worry About

Living with Acrophobia

By Craig Richards

Many people have a phobia of one kind or another. Do you have a phobia? If so, what is it? How has this controlled your life? Think of your life if you didn’t have this phobia – how would it be different?

agraphobia  Many people live with their phobia but the quality of their life is less. In fact, you can say this on any health or emotional issue but let’s just look at phobias in this article.

Fear of heights (Acrophobia)

Acrophobia is a fear of heights, which is common among people. Many just “live with”, but think of the many things that you can’t do by keeping it. If this is one of your fears, you will not work on your roof – if it needs repairs. If your fear of heights is bad, you will not climb a ladder that is 10 feet high. So, what do you do, you have to pay someone else to do the work that you could have done yourself.

This fear might keep you from looking out a window that is on the third floor or higher. You might want to stay inside while others are on the balcony enjoying the sun and view. What if you are in a situation where you have no choice and you find yourself on a ledge – what would you do?

People who have a real fear could put their own life in danger by falling where others would be able to climb down or walk down the stairs – whatever the case may be. If someone was in danger and needed recueing and there was no time to wait for help to come, what would you do? Just watch the person fall when you could have got a ladder and helped that lady who was trapped in a building damaged by an earthquake? Imagine, you got over your phobia with a little help from an energy healing practitioner, it be worth it.

Taking care of your phobia or other fears, for that matter, is like having fire insurance. You buy it NOT in the hope that your home burns down but just in case it does. You over come your fear of heights (or of a certain animal), so you will be helpful if you find yourself in a situation where your life or someone else’s depends on it.

Remember, a cure is right around the corner.

Copyright © 2014

Your Friend Might be a Psychopath and You Don’t Know It

Traits of a Psychopath

Do you have a friend or an acquaintance who is a psychopath and you don’t know it? Do you know the traits of a psychopath? Many times we have used words like “psychopath” but we really don’t know the traits of such a person.


Felix Dzerzhinsky Jewish head of Soviet secret police

  I know one guy who, though I didn’t like his behaviour, I didn’t realize he was a “nutter”, as the English say. Then, it was his behaviour with his mother one day that made me look on the computer. I did a search in Yahoo with the words “traits of a psychopath”. Boy was I surprised, I found that this person had most of them!

First, here is a description from a dictionary (which doesn’t give all the traits).

Noun: a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behaviour, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc.

Here is what I found about traits of a psychopath, they are:

The twenty traits assessed by the PCL-R score are:

glib and superficial charm

grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self

need for stimulation

pathological lying

cunning and manipulativeness

lack of remorse or guilt

shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)

callousness and lack of empathy

parasitic lifestyle

poor behavioural controls

sexual promiscuity

early behaviour problems

lack of realistic long-term goals



failure to accept responsibility for own actions

many short-term marital relationships

juvenile delinquency

revocation of conditional release

criminal versatility

If a person has a few of them, don’t worry that he or she is a psychopath – but more about that later.

Think about the people you know, write their names down and put what traits they have next to each name. What did you come up with?

It is common to know someone who might have one or several of these traits and you might think, “This person does have a problem or two”, so you think it’s OK. The problem is, that unless you really know that person, you would not think that he’s a psychopath. If he or she is an acquaintance, you really don’t know them. This was the case with me with two people.

You might have read in the news about a person who committed a crime and the neighbours are interviewed by the media and they say something like this, “Albert was such a nice person, I’m really shocked.” Others who knows the person would say the same thing. Why is it that people can’t pick out a psychopath or sociopath?

The reason is that a common trait of a psychopath is one of charm – they come on real nice and polite and a gentleman but that is just their cover. Unless you know this person more than just someone who lives next door or someone you just have a small chat with now and then, you really don’t know his behaviour.

The same mistake is made in dating. Many times you could be dating someone who seems real nice; he’s polite to your family and does all the right things. However, you did not see him in different circumstance, under stress or when he comes home tired from work. Well, the same is true of finding if that person is a psychopath or not.

If a person has just one or a couple of them that doesn’t mean he or she is a psychopath, they just need to deal with the issues they do have. For example, if he is impulsive or irresponsible, this is a behaviour that can be over come quite easily. If the person sees a traditional psychologist and he is given medication, this will not help. Using The Emotion Code, for example, will take care of the problem rather quickly.

Copyright © 2014

Other Signs to Look For in Strange Behaviour

There are many, many other signs to look for if some is suffering. If you are a practitioner or someone who needs help or if you know someone who needs help, this information is vital to know. How often do we read in the newspaper that some person went out and killed someone because of what was going on in his life? Yet, if their family or friends looked carefully, they would have spotted that something was wrong.


Most recently we have read about Robbin Williams, the famous comedian, who suffered from depression and who finally committed suicide. I read that he recently told someone, who was interviewing him, that he needed help. Why didn’t someone who was close to him pick up on this and offer real help – not medication but real help? It could be that the people who knew him knew nothing about Quantum Touch or any other natural energy healing techniques. Sadly, the world lost a good comedian – a person who brought a smile and laughter to millions of people.

Again, this will be brief, but it will continue from the last post and that is, how to spot signs that a person needs help.

Some signs are:

  • beating of children

  • beating of spouse

  • screaming at the children many times

  • getting into fights with classmates or neighbours

This is just some of the violent signs to look for. With a violent society, most people look over this and almost consider it normal. This violence could come from a number of different sources, such as that person growing up with an alcoholic father and the abuse he got from him.

Other signs that are not violent are:

  • keeping everything and not throwing anything out

  • compulsive cleaning around the home

  • lying

  • stealing when the person doesn’t need the money or the item

  • easily gets offended

  • highly critical of someone else

  • jealousy

  • a phobia of any kind

  • self-sabotage in life

Of course, a topic or even a book could be written on each one of these but this article cannot cover all areas in depth.

So, what do you do when you see this in someone else?

Some areas are so simple that we all look over it, thus ignoring the person who has an emotional problem. One common thing could be the slamming of a door for no other reason than it’s open, when they come down stairs. The weather is nice, someone is home, and there is no reason to close it. However, if that person was the one who opened it – that’s OK – but if someone else did it, a scene has to be made. There is a hidden anger issue with this person.

This is a big question and part of this depends on your relationship with the person. If it’s your husband or child, you should approach that person with a suggestion to have some EFT done with a practitioner. If it’s a friend or acquaintance, then a more subtle approach is needed.

If there is a group session being held somewhere, invite that person to join; tell her that it would be educational and personally helpful. Many times a person brings a friend or family member to a Quantum Touch session, for example, even though they don’t believe in it. So, make it light-hearted but worthwhile to go to see what it’s all about.

Now that you know some areas in what to look for, think about your family and everyone you know. Is there some out of the ordinary behaviour with that person? Think about yourself – is there a behaviour trait that you have that others would see offensive? If there is, drop me aline and we can discuss and resolve the problem. If it’s about a friend, we can still discuss and help him or her.

All the best


Copyright © 2014