Quantum Touch: How to Convince People

Quantum Touch: How to Convince People

Getting Clients With Quantum Touch

Karen-hips-2Here is one way on how to convince people using Quantum Touch. What you do is offer your usual Free hip aliment. Make sure you have someone witness the” before” and “after”. If possible, have a photo of a “before” and “after” – so the client can see for him/her self that a real change was made.

After the hip alignment, you ask them, “Now that you see what happened, imagine how Quantum Touch can help you with other health issues you may have. What other health issues do you have?” And wait for a response. Hopefully, this will bring the client a step closer to being a paying client. You can say other health problems people had that were helped with Quantum Touch. If you have your computer with you, you can show some of the videos that Richard Gordon has on his site to convince people. Then, take it from there.

Doing this is vital if you want to make a health practice out of it. What is good having free hip alignment, see them smile, say “thanks”, and walk off? If you really want to help them, you have to take the next step, as described above.

I hope this helps.


If you need help and would like a Quantum Touch session, we can do this via Skype. Write to me:

pedigreespa at yahoo dot com and put in the Subject line, Quantum Touch, and address it to Richard. Thanks!


Recharging Batteries With Your Touch

About three years ago I was at a restaurant watching my friend, Karen Kendall sing. I was taking a video with my camera. When the rechargeable battery ran out I put in my other battery. Since I was not filming the whole time, I took a break. With the battery that ran out, I decided to experiment and run energy into it. I thought, “Since I’m running energy let’s see what happens if I run it into my battery – why not?” I know that this is different kind of energy but I know that you can’t do any damage to a person when using QT, so, I should not be causing any damage to my battery.

After about 5 minutes, I took the battery out that I was currently using and put the battery in that I was using Quantum Touch on.

What happened was that the camera showed that it had a partial charge – it was no longer in the “red” as was the case when I took the battery out. With this battery I filmed some more.

Needless to say I was excited and surprised. I told Karen, too, about this and she was surprised as well.

Try Quantum Touch the next time you have to recharge your battery. You might want to do this on your computer battery. If you have non-rechargeable, try it on that. With energy from the sub-atomic world, it might not matter; this energy might be converted to electromagnetic energy – who knows?

For information about lessons, write to Craig at: info @ quantumtouch2.com

Experiment with Quantum Touch

Richard Gordon, founder of Quantum Touch, encourages you to experiment with Quantum Touch. The life force energy that QT uses, there is absolutely no danger of harming whatever you are working on nor danger of harming yourself.

When you take Quantum Touch course from this website, you’ll realize that you can’t give energy to the wrong area. There is no danger in giving too much or too little when you work on anyone.

Back to the experimenting, use QT on your pet or on your friend’s pet. If the pet has a health issue, this will be a sure test to yourself (if you still doubt the effectiveness) that QT works. After all, you can’t use the power of suggestion on an animal or ask the dog that he has to believe in order for it to work.

Notice the pet’s reaction – is he more relaxed, does he go to sleep?

If your friend has a health condition, no matter what it is, try it on that. Use the power of intention and focus on the area where the health condition occurs or where the pain is. Make sure you get a pain reading before you start. Afterwards, as your friend how she feels and to take notice of the pain level. I’m sure both of you will be pleasently surprised.

If you are a massuge, incorporated QT with whatever kind of massage you give. You might have to warn the client first of what you are doing, otherwise she will ask, “Why are your hands stopping?”

When you are giving your massage, work up the visulization and breathing technique before you start your QT session. Then use it for about 5 or 10 minutes. Ask your client if they notice anything different; are they more relaxed; and any other changes they feel. Finally, ask if they feel better now than any previous treatment.

If you know your client has a pain in their body at the present time, just quitely, wihtout telling her and work on that area. Then ask how their pain is.

When you get postive responses – and you certainly will – you’ll know that it works.

What other things can you experiment on using Quantum Touch?”

When you take the Quantum Touch course here, there will be a lesson where you get experiment. We’ll have dry white wine poured in two classes. One, you will run energy into it and the other (control) you’ll leave as is. Then you’ll taste the two. When done correctly, a bad tasting wine will taste better. (This is a good way to serve cheap wine to your guests! 🙂

QT can be used on plants, plant seeds – everything that is living. Why not go beyond this and use it on inanimate objects and see what happens!

For information about lessons, write to Craig at: info @ quantumtouch2.com

Quantum Touch vs Emotion Code

Here, I will be writing several Posts comparing one energy healing modality to another. In this Post it will be Quantum Touch vs Emotion Code.

First, I would like to say that all energy healing modalities are harmless, they are not like drugs where you can over dose, take the wrong kind or have dangerous side effects.

QT is great for setting bones and over-coming pain.

EC is great on finding a hidden emotion when the client doesn’t even know what it is. Also EC can find out when this negative emotion occurred.

QT basically uses the hands, visualization and intention to heal. With QT2, this can be done at a distance.

EC uses muscling testing and asking the subconscious questions that can be answered in the “yes” and “no”.

With Emotion Code, some people are not testable, as founder Dr Nelson says, whereas with QT you don’t have that problem.

Everything is Made Up of Energy

How does energy healing work?

body energy

We don’t know exactly but we have a good theory. For one, our body is made up of energy – in fact, everything is. This is a fact if you remember Einstein’s E = mc 2. Our body is made of energy. When we walk across a carpet, shuffle our feet and then touch a piece of metal, we get a shock; there is an electrical discharge. This would not be possible of we were not able to conduct electricity – this is     also a fact.

When we experience pain this is registered by an electrical signal to the brain. An electrical impulse is how we experience our senses.

What is an EKG? It’s a measurement of the electrical activity of the brain.

We cannot see this electrical activity. But I say it’s more than electrical, as our cells are effected when there is no connection at all. There has been experiments done where two cells from the same body is taken; one is subjected to stress and the other cell, located in another room registers it, too, and it registers it immediately. How can this be?

This is getting into the field of quantum physics. This is energy that exists within atoms; it is really this area that energy work is done. When observing quantum matter, experiments show that thoughts can affect the out come.

There are many things that we can’t see but we know it exists – electricity is one. When you turn on a TV you have a picture and sound, yet you can’t see. However, you know that it travels through the wires and through the set. However we go by the results to know that it’s electricity. With energy healing of any kind, it might not be electricity as we know it but it’s some other form of energy. We see the effects, in this case it is healing. When people don’t feel pain or their fibromialgia is gone, for example, we know that something is at work.

You don’t have to know how Quantum Touch works in order to use and benefit from it. So, let’s use it.

To find out more, contact me through the Service section of this website – so you can be on your way to health.

How to Determine If You Are Being Told the Truth

How to Determine If You Are Being Told the Truth

There is a clues to look for to determine if you are being told the truth. This applies not only to health but to any other topic you can think of. Since this site is about alternative healing, we will stick to that.

In any area of health, it could be something that you think you know the truth or something you are not sure of.

Let’s take diabetes to be specific.

For the sake of argument, say you believe in what the medical profession says about how to treat diabetes. You really believe this, but you also know that truth fears no questions. Since you believe in the truth or you want to make sure what you believe in is the truth – put it to the test.

Just do a search on the internet to see if there is a cure for diabetes. Do a Google search and type in, “diabetes cure” or “diabetes reversed” or anything that would indicate a solution to this dreaded disease. You might also have a friend who claimed they were cured. Do your research.

When you have found something that is contrary to what you have learned, take this information to a doctor, nurse or other medical worker and see if they want to talk about it. You might want to sponsor a debate on this subject. You might want to read what others experienced who tried to talk to those who are part of the medical establishment and find out what happened. Then, again, you might not have to get a doctor (as their time is so valuable, or so they say). You can find a layperson and see if he/she will talk about it.

If you do this, you will find some common things they all have in common to hide or should I say, protect what they already believe in. You will find the responses as:

Name calling

“The facts have already been proven”

“Science has proven…”

“It’s not worthy of discussion”

“I don’t want to talk about it”

They simply don’t show up at the meeting

Screaming and shouting

Not allowing you to talk

The above are some of the things that you will accounted. Don’t believe me? Just try it?

If what the medical profession say is the truth, it should be able to stand up to examination. If they are really searching for the truth, whey will want to listen to what you have to say. If they have patients who are diabetic, they will put them on a nutritional program of fresh vegetables and the elimination of packaged food. If these doctors – and those who believe the doctors – are really interested in finding a way that gets results, they would try alternative therapies such as Quantum Touch 2, Qi Gong, Reiki or other alternative healing modalities.

When you are turned down for a civil and peaceful debate, this should put you on alert that maybe, just maybe, there is a cover-up. It doesn’t matter if the cover-up is intentional or not, but it should prompt you to do and put into ACTION what you learned and prove it to yourself. If you have a pain that will not go way, give Quantum Touch a try and prove to yourself if there is something to this energy healing.

Quantum Touch and Your Belief System

Quantum Touch and Your Belief System

Before we talk about Quantum Touch or any other alternative healing system let’s us first talk about why people have the beliefs they do.

Where do your beliefs come from? They come from any combination of the following: your family, your friends, the media, schools and universities, books, TV, films, the government, and generally anyone we look up to.

From this list, we combine our own thoughts. We might have a little variation on the sum total we learn but it’s pretty much in line with what the collective whole wants us to believe. If we are talking about health, your belief is that you should have 500 ml grams of vitamin C, while Dr. X would advocate that 200 ml grams is enough to maintain health.

As you know, doctors disagree with each other, that is why people see more than one doctor to get a diagnosis. From this, the patient draws their own conclusion. From all the diagnosis a patient comes away with a choice of either: operation, radiation or chemotherapy. The problem is, that all are invasive and detrimental to good health.

People say that they don’t believe in God, for example, but their belief is a non-belief. So, it’s really a matter of what you believe in.

When a person is told about Quantum Touch 2, for example, he might say, “I don’t believe in that.” As a result, they will not even listen to you or read what you give him. The reason why is, that this person thinks that they have read and learned all there is to know to make a decision; anything that is different is stupid. After all, this is what he is told by those who write the medical articles in the newspapers.

Even an atheist who says they don’t believe in any type of energy healing but believes in the traditional medical approach of: cut, burn and poison has a belief. You see, their god is the medial establishment. They believe in it so much that they will die for it – and that is precisely what happens, they die for what they believe in.

The fact is, we all have a belief in something however, is what we believe in helps us. Does it promote our health and well-being or does it hurt us and eventually destroys us?

Let’s face it, we all have our beliefs that is the sum total of what we learned and are exposed to. This is normal but what is not normal is not true. At this point many people are of the opinion that what is said, or mostly said by the universities, media and government is true – otherwise it would not be out there. If it’s not true, it would be exposed as a lie and the truth would be out there.

Unfortunately, such is not the case. Just think of anything that you were told in the past by the media or the government; take any topic you want, not just health. Did you come up with anything? What about what we were told about the Gulf of Tongan in Vietnam? Originally, we were told by the US government that the North Vietnamese sunk the ships. It was only years later that this same government told us it was a lie. The lie was to get us more involved in this useless war.

Then, we read about all the safe drugs. After all, there is no reason to doubt it, as the pharmaceutical companies themselves tell us it’s safe! The newspapers carry the glowing reports of these drugs. Of course they will, as they are major advertisers of these drugs. As a newspaper they can’t exist without advertising – especially from major clients.

It takes the deaths of hundreds before the FDA takes a pharmaceutical company to court. Recent

history is filled with law suites that amount to millions of dollars or even billions of dollars where such companies have been caught lying.

In the meantime we believe in all the claims of the medical establishment.

Let me ask someone who basically believes in what the medical establishment says and ask them this:

“Do you know ½ of all there is in the world?” and the answer would probably be no.

“Do you know ¼ of all there is in the world to know?” And the answer would, again be, no.

Even the biggest narcissist would say “no” to these questions.

Now, let me ask you this, “Assuming you say you know ½ of all there is in the world, could it just be that the answer to health falls in the other half of knowledge that you don’t know?”

Just give us a try, go to our Contact page at the top of this website and make an appointment. You have nothing to lose – except your pain. Click Here to learn more.

Why Doesn’t Everyone Know About Quantum Touch?

Craig Richards

The typical question asked is, “Why doesn’t everyone know about Quantum Touch if it’s so good?”

This is a good question. It will take a little bit of time to answer it but I will try to do it in this short article.

Anything that helps people, especially if it only costs a fraction of what it normally costs will not be recognized by the medical profession. To make a long story short, if money can’t be made from a therapy, doctors and the pharmaceutical industries are not interested in it. When people are told this, they still can’t believe it. They think that everyone thinks like them; in other words, people and CEOs of large corporations are honest like them. Well, such is not the case.

Let’s face it, the pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest, if not the largest profit-making industry in the world. To give you an example, Johnson & Johnson made about $61 billion dollars last year! They don’t want people to eat better, take Quantum Touch therapy session, or do any other alternative healing therapy to get healthy. The reason why is, that people will not buy their pills and potions. People will not need the operations and other treatments that hospitals offer. In short, they will be out billions of dollars.

Medical education is based on universities getting grant money from these pharmaceutical companies, and the text books are funded by them, too. Therefore, a young innocent man who is entering medical school will not learn about Quantum Touch, Emotional Freedom Technique, or natural hygiene to get people well.

There is a ton of material you can read that explains why alternative healing is not main-stream. Here is  free reports that you can download and read at your leisure – Click Here.

If you are a doubter, it’s understandable. All I ask is, that you give Quantum Touch a try. Just send an email with your request about having a session. This can be done over Skype. Just send in the email basically what your condition is. To find out more about a session, Click Here to find out more.

Your for health and happiness,
