Using Quantum Touch in the Supermarket

Once you take a course in Quantum Touch, it’s like having a first aid kit with wherever you go. The other day I was in the supermarket and the cashier was talking to a customer ahead of me. She complained about the pain in her hands.

I worked on this woman, who is pregnant, and we did this where other employees saw it. I used Quantum Touch and only worked on her hand about 5 minutes. I asked how she felt. Her right hand had a pain level of 5 and the other one a 3. the pain went down to 2 and on the other hand to a 1. I worked on her a couple of more minutes and asked again. In her right hand it was a 1 and the other hand it was gone. I said, “Well, you can live with that.”

This asian woman was amazed. The guy who works there and saw it was amazed, too. He asked for a couple more cards and I gave it to him.

You never know when and where people need your help. And you never know when and where you may pick up business. When someone sees a healing and tells a friend of theirs, that is much more effective than an advertisement – and it doesn’t cost you anything.

If you would like to take Quantum Touch course, contact me at: info @ This course can be taken in one week followed by a test. The Quantum Touch course can be taken over the internet – so it can all be done from the comfort of your home. Upon completion you will be qualified to heal others and get great results using this amazing energy therapy. Write Today!

To phone: 357-97-748160

Secretly Try Quantum Touch

client caroline

If you are one of those people who doubt the validity of Quantum Touch, you are not alone. But if you are suffering from pain or have some illness, why don’t you try Quantum Touch secretly? Why I say “secretly” is because is that you might be afraid to look foolish in front of family and friends. If you tell them before you go, and you might be ridiculed. In the back of your mind, you might think you will lose your friends and your family will not feel the same way about you; all of this is understandable.

All you have to do is book an appointment without telling anyone. In your email, give your contact information and your Skype number. An appointment can be set up and conducted over Skype. Although there are no guarantees in life, 90% of my clients have an improvement within one or two lessons.

Then, after you feel better, you may want to tell your friends or you might still want to keep it a secret. Most clients do tell their friends that they went to an energy healing practitioner because they are so happy that they are pain free. If you want to still keep a secret, you may have to make up a story because they will notice that you are no longer in pain – so what will you say then.

If you are suffering and have a lot of pain or have been suffering for years, contact us today!

Get Pain Level Reading from Clients


There are many energy healing modalities out there, some of which are: Riki, Emotion Code, EFT, and, of course, Quantum Touch. Not all of them have as part of their training the taking of level of pain from patients.

If they are suffering from pain, before you start, ask them something like, “With 0 being no pain and 10 being the most pain, what level of pain do you have now.”

When they tell you, write it down so they can see it.

The reason for this is, so they can see and you can see how much progress is being made.

If they say, “I really don’t have pain, I just have sadness.”

Then, get to give a level of sadness IF they can. If they can’t, then just continue without a reading.

After working on your client for awhile, stop and ask them the level of pain, sadness or whatever they have.

If you started with the client being at 8 and they are now at 4, tell them, “Great, we drop the pain level in half in only 15 minutes. Let’s continue and see if we can get this down to 0.”

Then, write this down and you might want to add the time it took.

By doing this, the client can see how much progress is being made and the time it took. Writing down the pain number on one will forget what was said previously. It will also show to the client that improvement is being made and will encourage them to continue. This is especially good when the session ends and there is still pain left. They will be looking forward to the next session and encourages them to come back.


Making Progress with Quantum Touch

Continuing with my client, Paula and her loss of cartilage, she said, “How can there be pain relief when there is no cartilage?”

I said, “I can’t answer that but if you have less pain, don’t you think that is making progress?”

She agreed with me but she added, “How can this be when there is bone-on-bone?”

The answer to that is perhaps there is some cartilage left. Maybe there is something else there that is reducing her pain.

I said, “It’s good to know the answer as to why something works but it’s not necessary to know how something works for us to enjoy the benefits.”

There are many things that we don’t know how it works. Some examples are how electricity works and how gravity works. But don’t you agree that we can benefit from the effects of it? Well, the same thing applies to health. There are things that we will never know in this life but we can enjoy the benefits. So, let’s start enjoying them!

I told Paula, “You are taking pain killers and that is not good for your health. For one thing, it damages the kidneys. Also, not getting sleep night after night is not good – this has other detrimental health effects.

“Wouldn’t you agree that you are getting benefits with reduced pain?”

And to this, Paula agreed.


Summer Is the Time to Learn Quantum Touch

Accidents can happen anywhere.

Accidents can happen anywhere.

How many times have we heard or read in the news of holiday makers being far from home and they have an accident by the hotel pool, for example? This is so common now that there is a UK TV program where they show just this.

The camera crew hangs out at a hospital emergency area located in a tourist town somewhere in Spain.

You see all kinds of accidents, from falls, to cuts to a pre-existing condition of the tourist.

What do you do?

If you are like most people, you helpless stand by, watch and pray.

The day that I’m writing this is the day a good friend of mine wrote to me to say she is back from visiting Portugal. Nat told me when she was in Madeira when an accident happened.

Since there was no beach there, she jumped in off the rocks. As soon as she hit the water she felt a terrible sting and something attached to her. The pain was awful but she managed to swim back to the rocks.

Going back to the hotel a staff worker looked at her with fear in his eyes. He could not explain to her in English what it was but she was told that the poison is like that of cobra. People who are not in good health die. Later Nat found out that she was stung by a Portuguese Man-of-War. She was in pain for three hours and her arm swelled up.

However, think of the same situation again. You are on holiday with your friend in Portugal, your friend jumps in the water from some rocks and get stung by Portuguese Man-of-War.

How would you feel just helplessly looking on? But what if you knew about about QT, you thought, “Yea, that’s nice to know but I have other things to do.” Then, when an accident happens to a friend, you would feel much worse when the thought comes to you, “If I had only taken the QT online course, I could help her.”

Be prepared if you are in the company of family or friends and emergency treatment is needed. Anyone can learn to with Quantum Touch from children 12 years old to senior citizens.

Just fill out the contact form below about your interest in learning Quantum touch online and I will send you the details. The maximum I can take is 10 students each week. The reason is, I give quality lessons, I allow time for Q &A, and it is live online, via, Skype.

Fill out the form today…


Learning Quantum Touch

Learning Quantum Touch Could Be the Most Important Skill

You Could Ever Learn


Help others and help yourself with Quantum Touch


The important reasons to learn Quantum Touch

With the launching of our live online training we want to let you know of the importance of learning QT.

Learning Quantum Touch could be the most important skill you could ever learn. It could save the life of someone you love. It could save the life of anyone you are with.

Think of all the people you know who is suffering from pain or a debilitating disease. Can you number them? Think about each person and their problem. Think about your relationship with them.

I bet you came up with at least 20 people.

In today’s society nearly everyone has something wrong with them. It could be something mild from stress or a sore toe to eczema to cancer of the bowels.

First, I want to make it clear and make a little disclaimer that I’m not saying to stop seeing your doctor. After all, that is illegal. Continue to see him if you must but there are other things you can do to help yourself or someone you love.


Here are many reasons to learn Quantum Touch. Here are just a few:


Accident, such as a fall, and you are waiting for an ambulance

Your child wakes up with stomach pain

Your wife cut herself in the kitchen

Your uncle that is suffering from fibromyalgia for three years and is in constant pain

You lift something heavy and you have sever lower back pain

You’re on the first day of your holiday and your migraine comes on which normally lasts three days

(Name your disease or condition.)

What do you do? Who do you call?

Ghost Busters? No they will not help!

After calling the appropriate medical services, you sit and wait – like millions do each year. That’s fine as everyone has to wait. Sometimes the wait is long. Sometimes it could be a matter of life and death? What millions of people do – whether it be a friend or someone just passing by – is wait for the paramedics to arrive. In the meantime your husband is getting closer to death with each passing moment.

Don’t you feel helpless in such a situation?

Even if you have a fast response, it still takes time. After all, we are all human and it takes time to get to a destination. If there is traffic, that is beyond control of the ambulance driver. So, if you are like most people, you can at most, hold your husband’s hand and give him some comforting words.

What would you say if I told you that there is something you could do? That this thing you do does not require a medical degree and does not require thousands of pounds for education and it does not require years of learning. Would you be interested?

What if I told you that you can learn Quantum Touch in a matter of a week you can help most anyone out in most any situation?

We know that millions of people have taken CPR just for emergencies like this but CPR is only good for certain limited situations. But learning Quantum Touch you can help most people out in any given situation.

The above example of someone dying is an extreme situation and I hope that you are never in one. However, we are all in a situation where, for example, your Aunt Betsy is complaining about her arthritis or your sister has high blood pressure. What most people do who are in the company of people with disease? They sadly watch as they get worse and worse.

Maybe you have a serious health condition. Maybe you have diabetes type II and have to take your insulin shots.

Learning quantum touch you can now help those you love. You can help yourself, and you have the skills if you are ever in the company of someone who has an accident.

You might be reading this before you have read other posts in this blog that tells you what Quantum Touch is. So, if that is the case, let me tell you a little about what it is and how it can help those you love.

Quantum Touch is a gentle hands-on-healing that uses energy that surrounds all living cells. Then there is the visualization and breathing technique. In addition to that, we send our love to the person who needs healing.

I know it sounds strange but it’s a simple process once you take the live online course, via, Skype. Everything would be explained. However, you can learn a lot by just bookmarking this blog ( ) and read the posts that are here.

Many people might have a question about helping others who are not medically qualified. We know the thousands of laws that say we have to be qualified in this and qualified in that. With Quantum Touch, there is no breach of law – whether it be man-made or natural – from helping someone.

With Quantum Touch you are not administering drugs or doing anything invasive. You are not even moving a person (where doing so could cause damage). In fact, I show you in Quantum Touch 2 (Level II) in the live one-one line session where you won’t even have to touch the other person. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

In summary, you can learn in as little as one week how you can help those who want to be helped. You can learn a couple of simple techniques that even a 12 year old can learn.

Search on this site, “Live Online Quantum Touch Lesson” to learn more.

Start your lessons to be a qualified quantum touch practitioner Today and start helping the people you love tomorrow.

For health and happiness,
