FAQ About Quantum Touch 2, EFT and Other Energy Healing Therapies

Table of Contents

What is Quantum Touch?

What is Quantum Touch?

Welcome to my blog site:  QtantumTouch2.com

Here you will learn the frequently asked questions concerning not only QT 2 but other alternative healing modalities. For those who are new to alternative healing, specifically energy healing, this is the place for you. we will be adding to this as time goes by so be sure to bookmark this site.

Energy healing is completely different than the allopathic practices that medical doctors and most health practitioners use.

Although this site is mainly about energy healing, we are in agreement with those who are in natural hygiene. These are people who teach others about nutrition, exercise, fasting, etc. Energy healing is just a bit different but still completely natural.

Since this blog is named Quantum Touch 2, we will start our first series of post with this topic. But before we get into QT2, I will discuss simply Quantum touch, as this was the first healing technique developed.

Since more people enjoy listening or watching something, I will endeavour to put in as much audio and video as I can. So, what better way to start off then by listening to our Founder, Richard Gordon?

To watch click here:

Video 1

Video 2



I have listed the most frequently asked questions that I am asked about having a Quantum Touch energy healing session. Reading the questions and answers below will help give you a better understanding of the process and how it works.


How can I book a Quantum Touch energy healing session?

How long does each session last?

What happens during the session?

Am I fully clothed?

How many sessions will I need?

How often should I have QT?

Can Quantum Touch be combined with other complimentary therapies?

Is distance healing as effective as hands on?

I have a particular condition. Can Quantum Touch help with this and will it be effective?

Can quantum touch work on animals?

Can quantum touch work on non-living matter?

Ask a question.


How can I book a Quantum Touch energy healing session?


You can book a Skype session by filling in the Contact Form as found on this website. Please give some background information on the issue you want to work on. Doing this will save time used while online.

Payment is made by clicking on one of the PayPal buttons provided in the email I will send you.

Kindly give two options of time that will be good for you. Indicate the date and time, calculating London Time. Pick any time between the hours of 9am to 7pm London time. Give two choices and I will get back to you as to the best time so as not to conflict with other clients.

After your initial email, you will be sent further instruction including how to pay for the session.


How long does each session last?


Each Quantum Touch sessions lasts 30 minutes including consultation.


What happens during the session?


Depending on the area needing healing, the client may be asked to sit, stand or lie down on a massage bed. Quantum Touch can be a very relaxing treatment to receive and as the healing takes place you may experience feelings of heat and release.


Am I fully clothed?


Yes, the client remains fully clothed at all times.


How many sessions will I need?


It is your own body is doing the healing so no time can be given. How long this takes it dependent on several factors, however usually clients see a dramatic difference between 1 – 3 sessions. Of course each person is different and sometimes the healing can be faster than that or also take longer.


How often should I have QT?


Generally speaking one QT session per week is sufficient.


Can Quantum Touch be combined with other complimentary therapies?


Quantum Touch is an excellent stand alone treatment and can be used alongside other complimentary medicine such as acupuncture and reflexology. QT is also often used as an adjunct to traditional healthcare routines prescribed by western medicine.


Is distance healing as effective as hands on?


Yes absolutely. The energy output is exactly the same for distance healing. Distance sessions take place over Skype – a camera is not necessary.


I have a particular condition. Can Quantum Touch help with this and will it be effective?


Quantum Touch can be used on absolutely any condition and usually to great effect.


Can quantum touch work on animals?


Absolutely yes!


Can quantum touch work on non-living matter?


Yes! And when you take quantum touch live online course, you will learn this fascinating area.





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