What We Learned So Far

Richard-Gordon  The first video you saw was Richard Gordon giving a beginner’s class in Quantum Touch. He told us that the famous medical doctor Dr. Norman Shealy supports QT work. That chiropractors and osteopaths are using QT. In fact, one is using it about 80% of the time.

We learn that other energy healing practitioners are using QT in their practice, such as Reiki and Healing Touch. So, if you are already using some form of energy healing on yourself or on others, it pays to look into Quantum Touch. (Quantum Touch 2 is the next level up, so we will come to that later.)

I, Craig, gave QT to two different people who give massages, and they both thought it was wonderful. In fact one girl thought it was better than what she does. So, I asked her show me your massage. She worked on my back and all I felt was pain. Of course, I agreed with her that QT is so relaxing to the patient.

In Summary

QT is being used by the main-stream medical field.

Alternative healing practitioners have found that QT works well with what they are already doing.

If you already go to someone for massages or Reiki, give QT a try.

If you already use some form of energy healing, you might want to learn this to add to your services.

For more information, kindly send your request to me, Craig. Just fill out the Contact Form below and I will be glad to send the information to you.

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