
Quantum Touch Healing Is Using the Occult

Note: This video talks more on Reiki, but there is a brief mention of Quantum Touch. And, if you know Reiki, you’ll know the similarities to Quantum Touch.

For several years I had been doing Quantum Touch healing and only in the past month did I learn that there is an occult side to this. I was skeptical as there is nothing in it that I thought was un-Christian but as I did my research I found out there is the dark side, the un-Christian side.

There is a right way to heal and that is by using the promise that Jesus Christ told us – we heal in His name only. We don’t heal by connecting to any other spirit, as Richard Gordon allure to (see his book Quantum Touch the Power to Heal, where he talks about the spirit Lazarus.

Yes, there is healing done by the dark side, but there is a price to pay – for the practitioner. For the client, there is a chance of another spirit entering that person.

For now, here is how effective, quick and simple it is to heal in Jesus name. One thing you should do when you do this, is to give that person some literature, your contact information or tell them right there about Jesus.

Jesus defines love, not as the main-line churches do but by what He said. Christ said if you love me, you will obey my laws. You see, the Bible has the laws, statues and judgements that are necessary for a healthy, peaceful and prosperous life – on the personal level AND the national level. When we do it God’s way, our problems are solved. When you do it the New Age way, the Law of Attraction way, the non-Christian “spiritual” way, they offer no solutions; just look around you and see. All this “prayer” for peace hasn’t brought any, did it?

So, why am I still using QuantumTouch2 website? For the simple reason is, that I want to reach others who are into QT or other non-Christian energy healing.

When you view many of Richard Gordon’s videos that he does from home, what do you see in the background? You see a Buddha. This, of course, is NOT Christian, but since he’s a Jew I guess that doesn’t concern him. But for Christians, it should. In fact, it’s very common when you go into Spiritualist shops or New Age shops or whatever they call themselves now, Buddha is often displayed.

Also, when you read the books that are in these types of shops, you may read of Jesus in some of them but what context do they put him in? They regulate the Son of God to that of other men (or, in some cases men do never existed). And they regulated God – the Creator of all – to some “energy force” instead of a personal being. Ask yourself, is that Christian? NO, it’s that of the anti-Christ!

Now, For Some Real Healing!

God bless you,
