Secretly Try Quantum Touch

client caroline

If you are one of those people who doubt the validity of Quantum Touch, you are not alone. But if you are suffering from pain or have some illness, why don’t you try Quantum Touch secretly? Why I say “secretly” is because is that you might be afraid to look foolish in front of family and friends. If you tell them before you go, and you might be ridiculed. In the back of your mind, you might think you will lose your friends and your family will not feel the same way about you; all of this is understandable.

All you have to do is book an appointment without telling anyone. In your email, give your contact information and your Skype number. An appointment can be set up and conducted over Skype. Although there are no guarantees in life, 90% of my clients have an improvement within one or two lessons.

Then, after you feel better, you may want to tell your friends or you might still want to keep it a secret. Most clients do tell their friends that they went to an energy healing practitioner because they are so happy that they are pain free. If you want to still keep a secret, you may have to make up a story because they will notice that you are no longer in pain – so what will you say then.

If you are suffering and have a lot of pain or have been suffering for years, contact us today!

Confusion in Energy Healing

quantum touch healing

From the previous Post you heard me talk a little about the deliberate confusion in the nutrition field. Of course, I can talk to fill up a whole book but I will keep it brief. In this Post, I would like talk about the confusion in the field of energy healing, of which, Quantum Touch is one of them.

“Why is their criticism in energy healing?”

For the same basic reason as there is in nutrition – so certain companies and individuals can make money.

The sad thing is, that it is easier to get people not to having any energy therapy done on them. The reason being is, that when people get healed with just the touch of the hands is so far out from what people are taught in schools or hear from their doctor that most people don’t believe – period. People don’t need as much convincing as it does if a person was going to see someone about vitamins and minerals. After all, how can someone get healed with just the touch of the hands? It sounds like a fictional story or one has to be delusional to go have Quantum Touch done or Emotional Freedom Technique. If you tell your friends, you’d be ridiculed.

It is not the people who go to see a partitioner of energy healer that is delusional; they are afraid of being called this from friends or family. However, those that are brave enough to go to have Quantum Touch done on their painful back, for example, are usually convinced – they know that it works because they have experienced it, as they no longer have the pain.

It normally takes more convincing by a doctor or by friends to not vitamins and go on a vegan diet, as many people do see there is a relationship to what you eat and your health. But, by the same token, it’s easier for people to stop going to a true nutritional practitioner if they just started because it takes time to heal this way. During this time, the client themselves can have doubts and stop going.

Now, if a client gets over their initial doubt of going to someone who practices Quantum Touch or The Emotion Code, and they feel better with one treatment, they are usually convinced. If a client had pain for many years and that pain is reduced by, say, 50% in one session, you can be sure he/she will be back. If they tell others, and their friends are still sceptical, the client will not be dissuaded. After all, if their pain is reduced; a pain that they had for many years or that was very server, usually nothing will stop him/her from coming back again.

So, if you are one of these people who have doubts about Quantum Touch, it’s understandable. But if you just put your disbelief aside for a minute, and contact us at this website ( ), you will be surprised at the results you get.