Quantum Touch: How to Convince People

Quantum Touch: How to Convince People

Getting Clients With Quantum Touch

Karen-hips-2Here is one way on how to convince people using Quantum Touch. What you do is offer your usual Free hip aliment. Make sure you have someone witness the” before” and “after”. If possible, have a photo of a “before” and “after” – so the client can see for him/her self that a real change was made.

After the hip alignment, you ask them, “Now that you see what happened, imagine how Quantum Touch can help you with other health issues you may have. What other health issues do you have?” And wait for a response. Hopefully, this will bring the client a step closer to being a paying client. You can say other health problems people had that were helped with Quantum Touch. If you have your computer with you, you can show some of the videos that Richard Gordon has on his site to convince people. Then, take it from there.

Doing this is vital if you want to make a health practice out of it. What is good having free hip alignment, see them smile, say “thanks”, and walk off? If you really want to help them, you have to take the next step, as described above.

I hope this helps.


If you need help and would like a Quantum Touch session, we can do this via Skype. Write to me:

pedigreespa at yahoo dot com and put in the Subject line, Quantum Touch, and address it to Richard. Thanks!