Live Blood Analysis with EFT, part 4

Look carefully at the two samles of blood.
Here we learn that tapping with EFT on the inflamation issue did greatly reduce it. This was done in one short 20 minute session. This experiment that was done shows physical effects of what EFT can do. Think of what it can do for you. To find out more just contact us at our website here. You don’t need a blood analysis in order to benefit from EFT or other natural healing modalities we offer. First consultation is free, drop us an email so we can talk via Skype.

 Another Experiment with Live Blood Analysis and EFT




Live Blood Analysis with EFT, part 3


More at: After the second blood sample, we were all surprised that with tapping, parasites came out of the cells. Carroline said it must have been the energy from the EFT tapping that made them come out. This is a good indication as it’s better to know you have something so as you can deal with it.


Live Blood Analysis with EFT, part 2

More at: Here, Craig uses Emotional Freedom Technique with Polly. The experiment we are doing is to see EFT can improve Polly’s blood. A  sample of her blood was taken before this tapping, and the issue we tapped on was inflammation. This, we already know Polly has, as she suffers from a great deal of pain in her hips and in her shoulder.

Learn about the amazing health benefits you can get from EFT.