Mike Adams Excluded God From Our Solution


Mike Adams, who is well known in patriotic circles, wrote about the danger we are facing because of the destruction we are doing to nature. I agree with him – that mankind is doing a great deal of damage to the planet.

But the kicker is in this paragraph:

We cannot be at peace with each other unless we are first at peace with nature

Because the natural world is full of conscious, self-aware beings, their experience is ultimately inseparable from our own consciousness. When the natural world suffers pain and death, we feel an echo of that same pain and death. And it hurts us deeply if we dare to stay tuned in to the natural world around us. While some people can close their hearts and promote pesticides, GMOs, herbicides and other deadly chemicals, those people actually feel intense pain in their own hearts, and they quite literally seek the destruction of the world as a way to lash out from their own self-hatred.

To many people, this might sound all good but there is something very important missing. Mike Adams said we should be at peace with nature. He leaves out that we should be at peace with Yahweh, God. Did he ever think of that? Perhaps he did but he doesn’t want to say it – after all, he might offend someone who doesn’t believe in God! And when I say God, I’m not referring to some other god, but to the God of the Bible.

When we, as a people, turn to God of the Bible and obey His laws, statues and judegements, THEN we will be at peace with Him. Being at peace with God Almighty, we will be living within nature. But the way that Adams wrote his article, it sounds like it’s one step away from pegan worshiping or “tree-hugging”.

This is no little difference that I’m talking about. This is the key – that when we, as a nation, obey God’s laws, then we can have a peaceful and happy life.

Peace comes with each other when we are at peace with Yahwhe, God!