The Placebo, The Field and How It Affects Life

If you have been reading this blog, you will have read about quantum physics and the energy within an atom. This is loosely termed the Field. When we eat food that is good for us, there is an energy field that is more than the molecules that chemists sees. When we have someone who practices Quantum Touch, EFT, The Emotion Code or some other healing modality, they are affecting the Field, which, in turn, affects our living cells.

You surely have heard of the placebo affect. What that is, is how the mind affects our body. There are people who don’t believe in natural alternative healing – their only belief is in their doctors and the medication or treatments they receive; the majority of the population is like this. Yet, it is these people who make the placebo work; it is these people who really do have a belief – a strong one, I might add. What do I mean by this?

Medical research has shown that 30% of any benefits patients receive is by their belief in the medication.

Numerous tests have been done when two groups were used: One receiving the real medication and the other just a sugar pill but were told it was medication and would have certain benefits.

So, how does this work? It works because a person’s belief affected how their body responds.

But there is a affect that is not talked about and that is nocebo affect. This is just the opposite of the placebo. This is having a negative thought, and that negative thought comes about. A person can have a thought that they will die within six months (they might have heard this from their doctor and they actually believe it). The sad thing is, that the average person goes around all day with 70% of their thoughts being negative. Is it any wonder why people are sick!

Another example of the nocebo effect is, when we read of some Haitian is told that he will die; his enemy tells him he will use voodoo on him and has doll that he will stick with poison needles. This black believes in voodoo (part of their African belief system), and this guy actually dies. When the white man comes along, they know that voodoo-ism is superstition -which it is. Yet, they can’t explain in how voodoo works. Well, now we do. The doll or this practitioner of voodoo has no power. He knows that it doesn’t work on the white man. But his fellow black man does. The power is not in the doll or the rite given but in the mind; in the power of belief. This guy beliefs in voodoo so much and what he is told that he actually dies.

In summary, your thoughts make you what you are.

Since we have read and perhaps personally experienced of manifesting a health condition, this shows that our thoughts do, indeed, effect out health. What some energy healing modalities do is, picture and think of a healthy condition for your.

You tell the practitioner what is wrong, and what he does, in part, is picture you in a healthy state.

If you are tired of being in the state of health you are in and would like to try energy healing, drop me a line and we can get start right away.

All the best in life,
