The Discovery Statement

the discovery statement

“The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.”

This is a very important statement and this is the bases of how most, if not all energy healing works. There is a disruption of the body’s energy system and when this is out, there is pain, inflammation and some kind of disease is manifested if let for enough time.

If you have a phobia of spiders, for example, there is a disruption of your energy flow – that is the best way I can describe it. The same applies to all negative emotions. When this flow is released, so goes the negative emotion.

People who have an anger issue, for example, expect that they have to tell the therapist or healing practitioner all about their past and how they got it. After all, this is what psychotherapists do, right? So, they are ready to unload on to you. Well, this not necessary; in fact, it’s slows the healing process and makes more pain for the client in the meantime. All that is needed is what the emotional problem is. In fact, the client might not know the source but this will not stop the work that needs to be done. (More can be said on this and there are exceptions but that will have to be left for another article.)

With any kind of energy healing, no trauma has to be relived, as it were, when you have a session.

Let me make an analogy to a TV once again. If you took off the back of a TV and threw some extra wires in there and one crossed the circuit of the TV, it would interrupt the picture and or sound. This would cause a “zzzzt” sound from the TV. When the Emotion Code is used, for example, you take away “zzzzt” you get. The fuzzy picture and “zzzzt” sound is analogous to a negative emotion.

We all know that there miles and miles of electrical nerves in the body and especially the brain. We also know that there are between 50 – 100 trillions cells in the body with their electrical charge. So, a disruption of the “electrical system” in our body should not come as a surprise.

What we do with Emotional Freedom Technique is, we disrupt this “zzzzt” and allow the flow to continue as it should.

Everything is Made Up of Energy

How does energy healing work?

body energy

We don’t know exactly but we have a good theory. For one, our body is made up of energy – in fact, everything is. This is a fact if you remember Einstein’s E = mc 2. Our body is made of energy. When we walk across a carpet, shuffle our feet and then touch a piece of metal, we get a shock; there is an electrical discharge. This would not be possible of we were not able to conduct electricity – this is     also a fact.

When we experience pain this is registered by an electrical signal to the brain. An electrical impulse is how we experience our senses.

What is an EKG? It’s a measurement of the electrical activity of the brain.

We cannot see this electrical activity. But I say it’s more than electrical, as our cells are effected when there is no connection at all. There has been experiments done where two cells from the same body is taken; one is subjected to stress and the other cell, located in another room registers it, too, and it registers it immediately. How can this be?

This is getting into the field of quantum physics. This is energy that exists within atoms; it is really this area that energy work is done. When observing quantum matter, experiments show that thoughts can affect the out come.

There are many things that we can’t see but we know it exists – electricity is one. When you turn on a TV you have a picture and sound, yet you can’t see. However, you know that it travels through the wires and through the set. However we go by the results to know that it’s electricity. With energy healing of any kind, it might not be electricity as we know it but it’s some other form of energy. We see the effects, in this case it is healing. When people don’t feel pain or their fibromialgia is gone, for example, we know that something is at work.

You don’t have to know how Quantum Touch works in order to use and benefit from it. So, let’s use it.

To find out more, contact me through the Service section of this website – so you can be on your way to health.